Concurrent Programming
CS 21
Technical and Managerial Communications
Shaping Identity: Social and Political Perspective (German)
Project Study in Human Systems (Engineering Psychology Capstone)
Psychology of Music
Computation Theory
CS 170
Internet-Scale Distributed Systems
CS 117
Computer Interface Design
Human Factors in Product Design
Programming Languages
CS 105
Experimental Psychology
Computer Aided Design
Imagining the Environment in German Literature
CS 160
Methods for Human Factors Engineering
Advanced Engineering Psychology
Advanced German
Reading German Culture
Machine Structure & Assembly-Language Programming
CS 40
Engineering Psychology
Stats for Behavioral Sciences
Strong Feelings in German Literature
Data Structures
CS 15
Bridge to Higher Mathematics
Chinese 4
Introduction to World Music
Intro to CS
CS 11
Linear Algebra
Chinese 3
Expository Writing
Fight Against Mass Shootings